Autumn Along the E45

neal-winfield-E45 Fabbrecce

Autumn Along the E45 – watercolour & ink 57cm x 24cm (For Sale)

As it’s fringed with the occasional boring industrial site, the E45 may not be the easiest of highways, but there are plenty of gorgeous landscapes to view as you drive through Umbria.

DSCN5917Homeward bound

The sight of Canoscio with its neon blue cross is always a welcome one as it means I’m only minutes from home. A quick turn off the motorway, drive down the road through Fabbrecce and I’m there.

Along with Fabbrecce, seen through the woods that grow along the River Tevere, the painting also shows the little village of Falerno. This collection of houses and its church are hidden amongst the trees, away from prying eyes but they have a lovely view across the valley from their lofty perches.

This time the trees aren’t representative of any particular artist but are the commonly seen tall beech and the un-pruned olive trees that populate the landscape.


Medieval palette

This time I tried a new approach and only used colours from a Medieval palette. So there’s no olive or hookers green, no brilliant red or permanent white. They are all the tones they would have had to hand 800 years ago. It was great fun mixing the colours rather than delving for a tube.

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